Located on the planet Solandis in Galaxy 10-10 of the Unspoken Universe Series, this swimwear collection explores the aquatic fashion of Hebe's beach life.
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This swimwear collection was created to imagine the beachgoers on Hebe at the end of the novel Bounded, from the Unspoken Universe. The main characters crash on Hebe's serene beaches, destroying their aircraft and being left stranded. In creating this collection, Lauryn was able to further develop the civilization and expand on the species and traditions that take place in this galactic civilization.
Hebe is a small civilization, mostly concentrated in the mountains where waterfalls are prominent. The waterfalls are believed to be powered by the goddess of the oceans and seas, Cordelia. Cordelia has much influence on the fashion, traditions, and architecture of those who live in Hebe. Hebe's civilization stretches across the wildflower fields at the base of the mountain into a pink-sand beach. The planet itself has pink clouds and pink sand, and on the horizon, there is a blue planet called Csillah that contrasts Solandis in aesthetic. As one moves closer to the beach, the fashion becomes less structured however, Cordelia's symbols can be seen implemented everywhere in the town.
Body jewelry is prevalent in Hebe beach fashion, which often consists of pearls from its sea and golden shells. The architecture in Hebe is inspired by a combination of French and Greek elements, but their buildings are intertwined with the mountains and waterfalls. The color palette of the beachware is inspired by Hebe's array of pinks in its skies, sands, and waters.