The City of Gertrude is a civilization in Galaxy 10-10, a science-fiction setting taking place in the Unspoken Universe Series. The city is filled with traffickers, kidnappings, and illegal transactions. Gertrude is located in a desert wasteland on the planet Nilhsine, but in the book, the main characters are placed in Gertrude's trade district. Gertrude's trade district is a much more colorful version of the city, while its outskirts are desaturated with monochrome and neutrals. The trade district is where species that are passing through come to
fill up on gas, take a
break at a bar, or
shop at the stalls
that overpack
GALAXY 10-10
The Process
In illustrating the collection, Lauryn strived to capture the notion of "hiding your identity" when passing through Gertrude and "never staying longer than your welcome." She captured these notions by creating hats and mask that hides part of the wearer's identity. She also illustrated the models as walking, to signify the array of species moving with a purpose throughout Gertrude in order to keep a low profile.
Lauryn started out by creating digital drafts on Procreate, and then she experimented with colors to create a color palette. She incorporated the idea of patchwork that could harbor the idea of scavengers, as many in the outskirts of Gertrude do for clothing and supplies. Fine details such as weapons and pockets were placed on clothing to signify the action of defending oneself against danger such as Gertrude's criminals. Lauryn captured the essence of Gertrude's trade district with watercolor pencils, mechanical pencil, micro pen, and gouache.