RAVANA is an animated piece that depicts the emotions of the character Ravana and the corrupt politicians of Galaxy 10-12. This storyline is from Falling in Reverse, the fourth book of Lauryn's Unspoken Universe series. The animation explains why Ravana destroyed Ratham City, the capital of Galaxy 10-12. Before and after the War of 7 Sins, a lot of corrupt politicians were elected, and Ravana's father was one of them. Ravana's abusive father was buying his way into a cabinet seat. Other politicians agreed to support him for their gains, despite knowing his true colors. In complete distraught and pure anger, Ravana destroyed Ratham City so that the corrupt politicians could no longer silence her. She would be heard.
Before Lauryn starts an animation, she always draws out a character design in her sketchbook. She then uploads it to Procreate where she adds color and outlines. From one of those drawings, Lauryn then starts her animation. After creating the animation on Procreate, she transfers her work to Adobe software to add sound, clean up, and combine the several scenes.
RAVANA was created in a Time Studio class at an Art Foundation Program in Virginia Commonwealth University. Assigned in the fall semester of Lauryn's freshman year, students were to create an animation that was a minimum of 30 seconds and had to have a storyline. This ambitious project has a length of 50 seconds.
Many details were put into RAVANA such as the currency of Galaxy 10-12 from the "dirty money" scene. All of the four galaxies in the Unspoken Universe are united under Confederation 10 and each galaxy has its own celestial objects. Valda is the celestial object of Galaxy 10-12. In the computer scene, she made sure to list all of the candidates in the election at the time the animation takes place. Lauryn even showed the position that Ravana's father had illegally obtained- the Head of the Council Foreign Affairs Department. She made sure to implement the symbolism and details in the smallest areas of this piece.
Giddings, Lauryn. RAVANA. 2021, drawing on Procreate and Adobe Software.