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Ravana Brookes is a character from Falling in Reverse, the fourth book of the Unspoken Universe Series. Taking place in Galaxy 10-12, a sector of Confederation 10, Ravana is attacking the galaxy's capital, Ratham City. The biggest attack took place 11 years ago, and Ravana has only done smaller attacks up until the 6091 elections for the new warden (present-day). 


In this series, inner demons can become manifested into our reality if emotions become strong enough, whether that be positive

    or negative energy. Ravana

     Brookes is an Agarian

       Demon, the most powerful

        type. She uses her powers

         to cause destruction upon

         Galaxy 10-12. Lauryn has

          created concept drafts

           and ideas for Ravana's

            lookbook in Falling in

             Reverse, but in

                Ravana's spinoff- The

                Book of Ravana- Ravana tries to grapple her untamed demonic power after coming to conclusion of all the hurt that she had caused in 10-12.

In the book, Ravana's manifestation source that is causing all of the chaos to unfold is inside of her. This manifestation source is quite cold, so the characters layer up in knitwear to stay warm as they try to get closer to Ravana to help her take control of her emotions. 


Scarlet and Audrey are both from the fourth            book, Falling in Reverse. Scarlett and Audrey        were both soldiers for 10-12 under League 7          and 9. Post 4 Realm Collision, the two leave        10-12's army to become vigilantes to deal with

the unexplained chaos that is unleashed. They        deal with those who didn't return to their

respective realms when the universe was

"fixed." They are called upon by Lucas

Belinksi, a demonologist from Galaxy 10-11

to help him on his mission to stop Ravana. 


Audrey's style is very much baggy and

paired with corseted tops. Scarlett wears

dresses with cutouts, and floral depictions to contrast against her cold tone. The hats that

she fashions in are inspired by the

Arts District of Kalpana in Galaxy 10-11,

the setting where Audrey and Scarlett both

start out as vigilantes. 

Ravana .png

Scarlett Collins

Audrey Hart

Ravana Brookes

The spinoff pulls from characters from different books that take part in helping Ravana overcome in emotions before it destroys them all. From the main characters- Ravana, Audrey, Scarlett, Lucas, and Nixon- Lauryn decided to focus on the love-duo Audrey and Scarlett. 


She illustrated clothes for the two women as they both have their own style, but the same rebellious attitude. She dressed them in red, the color of Ravana's demonic slime.

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